
Investors Grainger Plc

Head of tax-efficient investing at LGBR Capital, Jack Rose looks at the third and forth quarter of the year and highlights what investors should be thinking about when it comes to investing in EIS, VCT and IHT products and how to avoid the end of tax-year rush. Our products and commentary provides general advice that […]

South Africa: Is The Worst Of The Energy Crisis Over?

2.35 We expect the unemployment rate to peak at 4.3 per cent, equivalent to 1.5 million people, in the third quarter of 2024, before falling to a trough of 4.0 per cent in mid-2025 as a positive output gap opens up. Unemployment then returns to its estimated structural rate of 4.1 per cent in […]

Recent Business Proposals & Investment Opportunities

The government aims to achieve its goal of fully decarbonising electricity by 2030, and wind energy is key to the country’s net-zero commitments. The trust is constructed around three ‘buckets’ of assets – dry powder, risk assets and index-linked bonds. The managers have tended to focus on companies based in developed markets, like the US […]

Commitment Of Traders Report Cot: 19 Dec 2022

Of course, it’s hard to tell exactly when you’ve hit the actual extreme, so it’s sometimes best to not do anything until the actual market reversal has been confirmed. The "open interest" number is the total number of open contracts (purchases and sales) made by all types of traders. As you can see, you have […]